Beauty and Strength
These beautiful women show, beauty and inner strength – necessary as it is – are these qualities palatable to everyone in society though? Are women meant to be vulnerable and weak to be protected, loved and respected? I wonder how many people love to be with women who show their strength and have minds of their own?
I question can they have intelligence, clarity, shine, be challenging and simultaneously admired?
Human Conditioning
There are soooooooooo many things to explore and discover about being human! So many mysteries to unravel, as we attempt to live authentically and preserve our freedom. Some people enjoy controlling others. Some like to undermine. Some feel threatened when they compare their own skillset with another. Some admire but only if your progress is not as deep and high as theirs.
Being human is complex.
These women are now ‘new people’ – forever shifting as time is lived – they each are forever molding and changing to their new life circumstances …
- Some innocence lost and some extra backbone created.
- Some dependence lost and independence gained.
- Some safety taken away and some challenges met head on.
- Some insecurities lost and some capabilities seen!
- Some rose tinted glasses taken off and some self-love to claim.
- Some naivety lost and wisdom gained.
Five years from today, god willing, further expansion will continue happening for them and all beings…. so that, hopefully, their smiles lighten up their own inside too! Our world is seeking more heart centred changes and I sincerely hope our daughters will be part of that much required shift on earth.
Moment to moment everything changes, because it must….(and all is for the better even when it’s not obvious, and looks otherwise)