
Expression To express what we see and feel without censorship – is not easy to do. We are all programmed to be polite in society and that kind of teaches us to be fake with our true thoughts and feelings. To hide what we see and feel is very easy to…

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Truth and Lies

Outside Lies Today someone told a lie about me in my presence to another, in their attempt to undermine me. I understood the reason why it had happened. I called them out on it, and they denied the truth and continued lying. Internally of course, the lie could not be hidden…

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Truth Sets Us Free

I have just come back from the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers Convention in Ottawa. I had the privilege to be on the main stage, as a rising star for 2017, representing the Vancouver Chapter. We each spoke and received panel critique on our performance. It was a truly exhilarating feeling,…

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The Unimaginable Truth: Why We Create Misery To Be Happy

Our Upset and Misery It can seem ridiculous to be told that happiness is an inside job when all we want to do is rip someone’s head off or even claw someone’s eyes out! When we are sad or angry, happiness is the last thing on our mind, and to be…

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We inadvertently ridicule THE TRUTH!

When I was younger if someone had told me that my thoughts are creating my reality I would have laughed in disbelief. When I was younger someone actually told me that meditation is necessary and I dismissed it with total ridicule. When I was younger if someone had told me that…

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