The Blessings in the Unknown

Routine Mind likes routine – so each morning it looks to do what it knows – brush teeth, wash face, eat etc etc. We get attached, even with simplest of routines, even if it is merely making a morning drink, at a specific time. Although routines are necessary – none of…

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The Upside of Love Not Going Well!

   Failure of Love   I remember being at a workshop about 10 years ago, when the question was asked “What is available in the heart?” “What would you say is missing in the heart?” People answered with I have been hurt too much to love another person again, so I…

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Understand Fear and Discover the Key to liberation

Fear is real when experienced, and the bodily sensations that accompany fear leave us stuck in debilitating responses and self-sabotaging attitudes towards life. Our body will send messages either through a contraction felt in the pit of our stomach or a sense of trembling. We might also physically shake, get sweaty or…

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5 Ways to Induce Internal Happiness

I am sitting here on a Sunday night and reflecting on the week. Have I learnt anything new….like experienced something that I had never encountered before this week? And whatever it was, big or small, had it evoked joy in me? I am asking, if the action of creating a new…

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We inadvertently ridicule THE TRUTH!

When I was younger if someone had told me that my thoughts are creating my reality I would have laughed in disbelief. When I was younger someone actually told me that meditation is necessary and I dismissed it with total ridicule. When I was younger if someone had told me that…

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Man Covering his Face

Welcome What is “Not So Nice” in Us!

“To be conscious of yourself, you need to welcome your unconscious darkness as much as you welcome the light.” –IN SEARCH OF THE MIRACULOUS: Healing into Consciousness by Mada Eliza Dalian I remember there was a time when I truly believed that I had no “darkness” – I felt that everything…

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