
Mind and Intellect Are you someone who relies on your mind a lot to get through life? I know I do. I can memorize, I can join dots, I can contemplate and see pictures easily. I research a lot. At times, I can make decisions, boom, boom, boom, problem solving my…

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Uniqueness and Self Respect

 Competition   Finding our uniqueness sets us free, but we are not educated to look for that sadly. The education system often fuels the idea of competition, the winner, the best!! But in order to have the “best” there then has to be the “worst”, or those that are “less than”.…

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Childhood Intentions and Happiness

    Did You Know We Set Intentions As Babies?!   My intentions as ascertained from astrological readings are as follows: 1. Curiosity, 2. Know what is going on (as in the big picture of life), and 3. Communicate (unique insights, in an unconventional manner, a new viewpoint) These intentions really…

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Varying Types of Intelligence

    School Intelligence At school we measure intelligence by the ability to memorize, perform under pressure and our ability to recite facts in the way they were originally taught to us. Conformity is important for this, as is reliance on the logical side of our brain. Although much of what…

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A Mothers Womb

  Children Choose the Womb Our children choose the mothers’ womb based on imprints they carry from their earlier incarnations. They will often inappropriately blame a parent for the way things have unfolded for them, not knowing that they chose the set of circumstances to help their own growth. Nothing is…

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What is Your Story; I have Mine!

Back Story Today I show you how to understand your emotional burdens and how to alleviate your mental strains. I equip you with tools to access the calm and grounded state within, so that you can cope easier with the ebbs and flow of life. For in the end we are…

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Truth Sets Us Free

I have just come back from the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers Convention in Ottawa. I had the privilege to be on the main stage, as a rising star for 2017, representing the Vancouver Chapter. We each spoke and received panel critique on our performance. It was a truly exhilarating feeling,…

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Your MIND is the PROBLEM

    ♥ WE ARE ALL SIGNIFICANT♥   Our INDIVIDUAL voice matters in life, simply because we are ALL part of a giant tapestry, helping one another along in our journeys. The best way is to imagine that we are part of a big jigsaw puzzle, and our “place” in life…

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Stress and Worry: Time to Transform!

Irrevocable Freedom from Stress and Worry: The benefits of discovering their route cause. We might wish to stay fully composed and believe in our capacity to be superhuman, but unfortunately and inevitably stress creeps up on the best of us. Younger resilience In our younger days, the significance of stress was…

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Understand Fear and Discover the Key to liberation

Fear is real when experienced, and the bodily sensations that accompany fear leave us stuck in debilitating responses and self-sabotaging attitudes towards life. Our body will send messages either through a contraction felt in the pit of our stomach or a sense of trembling. We might also physically shake, get sweaty or…

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