Our mind tends to have a reset of negativity?


We all have a different quality of mind, based on our previous lived life history. Conclusions, beliefs, conditionings and genetic imprints influence our thoughts.

Science has now shown that traumatic memories experienced by generations prior to us, can also be passed onto future generations in their DNA as an imprint. An offspring of an ancestor who was impoverished will experience irrational behaviour traits suggesting fear of the same lack in their life, even though there might not be any abundance problems.

A child can pick up fears from his mothers’ womb- and those anxieties will influence his thinking automatically, like an invisible program. These imprints too, determine the quality of such a childs’ life and inform his ability to take risks or not. They inform his personality.

We also know that for manifestation to arise, positive creative traits within the mind are tremendously beneficial, not only for self motivation but also for taking full responsibility for manifesting our potential. In fact positive thinking significantly improves the emotional quality of a persons’ life too.  ( and as in the negative scenario described above, many children from grateful parents will see these traits manifest in them too- genetically passed on)

True Positivity, however cannot arise with the suppression of negativity. That is the same as kidding yourself that your reality is different to the one you are prone to feel as a reset point privately. This contradiction within does not help.

When a mind or person is described as being positive, that does not mean that the negative does not exist within them.  Many qualities will still arise, judgments, envy, comparison and competition are learned traits that people universally pick up from societal conditionings. These still need to be faced, so that even a positive mind, can transcend the limiting and aggressive nature of these human traits.

So even though a person with a primarily positive attitude becomes more capable of seeing the positive rather than the negative- this must never be confused with the myth that no negativity is arising within. The negative still persists, but is less obvious to them and others. The negativity of sadness can still arise when facing loss, but with the “cup half full” outlook, such a person is able to manage what is occurring without becoming a victim in a deeply entrenched way.

Whether the outlook is pessimistic or optimistic each of us are affected and influenced by the unconscious patterns deep within our body, that store all of our past life experiences, beliefs and conclusions. These beliefs inform our thoughts, and none of us are to blame for our  normal set point. What each of us are charged to do, is to take responsibility to explore this set point, and learn how to transcend the power of the thoughts that are not serving us. Otherwise these thoughts keep attracting life circumstances that progressively become more and more challenging to face.



Our mind is Dual in Nature



Our minds tend to label events as they occur as either negative or positive. And our minds also have a tendency to judge the aspects labeled as bad, hateful, worrisome or sad and destructive. This judgment affects our overall mood, and often times those people experiencing issues perceived as “bad” tend to be down/sad and possibly depressive.

The mood of those experiencing the aspects of their life labelled as positive tend to be more optimistic and happy. Here it is general for such a person to become more creative and trusting of life. A person with a healthy self-sufficient ego will often display traits that are seen above as positive.

The interesting thing is that when decisions are being made by the mind, it will swing back and forth in its’ rational from one end to the other. It will swing into the fear state perceived as “bad” and also into the creative loving state perceived as “good”, and can lead to the inability to decide with clarity.

All of us, whether our tendency is optimism or pessimism will move back and forth in both these dual parts of our brain, as this is just the way the mechanism of the mind works.

Decision making that has certainty in it, comes with an inner knowing, from the place of intuition. This place is beyond the mind.

Peace and Balance is in the Zero Point


During the last ten years of reviewing my own negative and judgmental thoughts as they arise, and transforming the ones that felt sticky and depressive/sad or negative (using the profoundly effective Dalian Method), I have found that the quality of my thinking has spontaneously become more life affirming. This has happened effortlessly.

But this effortless quality only arose because I took courage to revisit the unknown unconscious traumatic memories in my body that were undermining my ability to lead a healthy and happy life. I had no idea that these memories were in my energy, but they were creating my unhappy reality within my relationships.  Thus transforming their power over me has been the same as pressing “undo” on the unpalatable parts of my life. I have been effectively clearing out the past, and slowly becoming self-sufficient & empowered to have the life that my inner wisdom actually wants to live.

There is a spaciousness of contentment arising within, that is not dependent on any particular outcome as such to help me to be positive or happy. This spaciousness is not linked to my outside reality at all (material success or relationship cooperation is not fuelling this delight).

Instead a recognition has arisen that everyone is responsible for their own state, and thus the chase to fix issues has lessened and the chase of “doing for the sake of doing” has slowed down. An unusual overflowing of compassion has unfolded from within too, that is now urging me to share with those that are open to my discoveries.

The truth is that the peace that has arisen has not come from becoming positive. That peace has come from the central place- between the positive and negative, the zero point, where mind resistance does not exist. From this place we can observe both aspects of the mind- as it swings back and forth.

From this zero point, there is a quality of living that is just present to the moment – and open to whatever arises. A sharper ability to be fully available to what is arising in the NOW, without labelling anything as good or bad, without stressing or fearing issues, opens up from within. It shows us how to respond with a state of awareness that recognizes that all is happening for our own evolution. If we get triggered we know there is more to learn. If we enjoy celebratory moments, we squeeze the juice out of those opportunities, knowing those too shall pass.

For all growth in expanded awareness leads to an expansion into greater inner strength and inner joy, that ultimately fuels our fulfillment.

I am hopeful that this understanding will help those that are exploring the quality of their mind too. Real contentment arises in this zero space of “no thought”.  Of course whilst we are being creative, we are in this zero place too, and nothing is labeled as good or bad during the act of creation. It just is.

If you wish to explore the process of moving from negative to positive to zero non dual living, feel free to reach out to Kindi at [email protected]. We can have a no obligation conversation on what it feels like to move away from sticky places our mind can take us into. Enjoying a life free of burden and stress, is a sweet place to arrive.


