
To express what we see and feel without censorship – is not easy to do. We are all programmed to be polite in society and that kind of teaches us to be fake with our true thoughts and feelings.

To hide what we see and feel is very easy to do though, even though it adds to our ego conclusions and judgments, of one another, creating separation.

Second Opportunities

Last week, I hid what I truly felt and that felt uncomfortable inside. I was left with an unfinished nagging feeling. But today I was honest about it – and in doing so – all judgments, upsets, disappointments, and confusion simply crumpled away as we spoke with one another.

Healing understanding came in, and the division stopped. Our chests became lighter. And I know our hearts opened naturally…..the way it feels when unity exists.

Fear of the Unknown

Of course, when we speak honestly, sometimes the fear of the unknown gets in our way to be truly honest – and in doing so – that fear alone can stop the chance of the heart opening. The trick is to speak your feelings, without placing blame on the other – and in that way – the ego division stops.

Pictures do not lie

This is me from 2008 – internally I was suffering tremendously – and yet I am in the Bahamas – looking as though I am seemingly on holiday having a good time. I know how to put on a brave face. Yet maybe only I can see through this melancholy face? Often swallowing stress, in this case even whilst on holiday.

Learning Thru the mind

On this occasion I was listening to Jerry and Ester Hicks- attempting to reframe my personal thoughts to no avail, but I remained hopeful that this would get me out of my mire. It did not. I was also reading Osho, and getting drawn right in to truths he appeared to be speaking that resonated so deeply inside..


Something inside was actually unfulfilled – unloved, broken. I watched like a hawk when others seem to be receiving that which I was not in the outside world and I wondered “why” with self-pity.

Right Direction for Truth

I was looking in the wrong direction of course, wanting outside nurture – not knowing that my long lasting solutions were going to come from dislodging the power of my own self-sabotaging beliefs, and my own projections onto the outside world.

I had to turn inward – the inner conflict inside had to be resolved – if I wanted the outer adversity to fall away – I had to become my own lover… my own cheerleader, my own caretaker. …and thus my journey into slow wholeness began to emerge, from 2008 – called healing into “Health & Consciousness” with the Dalian Method.

Forever grateful that this honest approach of dealing with my emotions has given me so much joy and I am eternally hopeful that if you are reading this – you too can take the leap to use the dalian method to erase the division in your heart too…..

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