Love and Celebrations

11 years ago today this memory showed up on my facebook feed…and as I reflect I see how devotedly and ecstatically I planned a big surprise for my eldest daughter on her 21st birthday – to show her how deeply she is loved.

Freedom to Be

Thru the years before and after – thru the tears and laughter – thru the sacrifices and privileges – thru the wonderful magic and madness of it all – there comes a time ….and season when the ‘let go’ of each soul, into their own freedom and individuality becomes the most important priority, for a parent.

Mothering fellow beings

Childhood is fleeting. Mothering a treasured and very important role for me, gave monumental moments of unconditional love. These kids are forms of consciousness unfolding into their own magnificence, through their own life lessons.

I certainly had no idea the depth of the mothering responsibility I would carry, when they were born. I have done my best as a mother …. and yet there are still gaps for each of them to address on their own. This is the human journey.

Their own journey of self-responsibility, mothering themselves and finding their own way begins as I let go.

Intentions for our Children on Earth

My wishes:

  • May all our children find the strength and empowerment to live from their centre.
  • May their disabling imprints be overcome.
  • May their creativity and joy flourish.
  • May they reach beyond their fears and suffering…
  • May they be wise to learn and not repeat the same mistakes, each time they fall.
  • May they know their worth.
  • May they trust their calling.
  • May they let their light shine.
LOVE, from a ‘mothering soul’ attempting to help herself in similar ways

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