Choices in Life

Life is a series of choices – either consciously made with self-awareness directing the choice, or choices run by autopilot programming that is unconscious, blindly negatively affecting our behaviour.

It all comes down to what is running inside us like computer programs – some of which is unconscious to us and thus invisible, and some of which is conscious to us, grown through self-awareness of truth, so those choices are visible.

Unconscious choices will bring more darkness and suffering in to ourself and others, and conscious choices will bring in more light for both.

Thus we often define life in the following way:

  1. Right or Wrong
  2. Good or Bad
  3. Victim or Victor

These two polarities are occurring, based on that “invisibility” inside us, and ‘visibility’ inside us – and with these two playing off one another, we manifest outward, and reflect inward too.

Generational Movement

Children repeat their parents’ mistakes inadvertently; carrying in their genetics inappropriate beliefs their parents’/grandparents also carried.

If all parents had self-belief/self-trust/self-confidence – we would all know we are strong – and our love we share with one another – would thus be pure.

But if we believe we are weak – our love shared will be weak too – sabotaged by our own needs and insecurities. Sadly our weak unconscious choices create much suffering for ourselves and others …. and as those decisions release their ripple effects, greater darkness descends into our collective life, and the suffering perpetuates.

Saving Grace- Silver linings

The saving grace is that suffering holds a silent seed of growth in it too, because room is always being created simultaneously for reflection and transformation. This is how we get to see some unlived light within.

So in the big picture, no pain is truly in vain, and without a purpose. Its objective is to give the opportunity to find the silver lining.

Some people will however wallow in the pain and some will rise toward the light to find that grace. Some may wallow for a while and then lift themselves up toward the light, at some later time.

This too, of course is another choice …. to sink into darkness or move gracefully with your head held high, towards the light…. And as with every choice, each human being is responsible for themselves.


No-one can save one another ………………we each must do the work to rise, and save ourselves. Being human is not an easy journey – but it is a journey designed to show us our completeness, which can only be found, in the backdrop of those false ideas of brokenness too!

Storms in Life

The thing most of us do not understand is that life sends “storms” and big waves that nearly topple us over; ONLY so that we can grow in consciousness ….not for punishment. This is unconsciousness at play that is now ready to be transformed into light.

This is an act of love from life, because it leads to spiritual evolution which includes this list below

  • ~ self-love
  • ~ strength
  • ~ broader perception
  • ~ lack of compromise
  • ~ clearer boundaries
  • ~ self-respect
  • ~ greater compassion.

NO STORM IS ABOUT FAULT OR BLAME ……everything is about finding wholeness within.

Kindi Dulai

The trouble is, when we are suffering we do not realize that ‘in the moment’! Life can be tough but the end result has the opportunity of an upward movement, especially when the right education and the right tools come our way.

Dalian Method for Consciousness

I am forever grateful that the Dalian Method revealed itself to me, at the time when I was most broken, back in 2008, and it has supported me, and many clients ever since. In my opinion it is one deeply life-changing tool for humanity.

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