I went camping on my own for the last two nights – for the first time in my life – and I absolutely loved it, just like a little INNOCENT kid would! Below is my gorgeous camp site – a magical wonder of a place, with its natural beauty and associated “noises” that kept me alert – lol. Can you sense the awe??

I am lucky to be experiencing these adventures, and getting over fears that have held me back for years! Especially the fear to be alone….I hope this inspires you too, to try something new, if you tend to hold back? If I can do it at my age, I know we all can break through our old illusions.
As they say, where there is a will, there is the way… and in this case, the dalian method helped me with these very old fears.
Jumping out of an aeroplane 6 years ago, on the same night as my first night camping, seemed less of an ordeal! Seems bizarre hey??? Yup, this city girl with long nails was worried about this expedition.
Encouragement Helps
I have been encouraged by an army of supportive friends, without which this would have been impossible. Thank you for celebrating and sharing in my joy, with me!

A special “Thank you” to the deeply precious friends that helped to make this aspiration possible! I know one of you suggested this idea, at least 12 years and I looked at you aghast.
Another recommended this, as a “healing process” at least 6 years, and I thought the idea sounded ludicrous.
Then I became ready, I had finally overcome my FEAR. I had heard this suggestion over and over, and my curiosity kicked in.
SO, two of you, poured out your own muscle and sweat, to help make this happen during this last week – I cannot thank you enough!
And finally one of you surprised me to a wonderfully comfortable tent – the finishing touches! You all know who you are!!! Cheers to life… and to more courageous adventures!