Sometimes suffering is physical pain – sometimes it is mental and emotional pain – it does not matter which category suffering comes from, the same tool comes to my rescue each time ~ the Dalian Method heals both.
Anxiety and Worry
Recently I felt anxiety and worry about some family dynamics, and I was dancing around egos to navigate it all, afraid to trust my desire to call out the selfishness I was witnessing.
I did not want the ego clashes and wounds to perpetuate, but at the same time I could not force change so that broader perspectives and understandings could open up.
Using the Dalian Method with Mada Eliza Dalians’ direct help, I took responsibility for myself, to release my fear to trust my seeing and to release my own judgments and complaints that were beginning to arise.
I came out of reaction and into compassion, and more into my strength. I may not be able to control their choices around me, but I can see what I am inadvertently bound to, and why, and if I am contributing to the outer mess, through any expectations, judgments, and conditionings I am locked into.
Awareness into Freedom
I became conscious of a new awareness, that
‘it’s my time now – to be uncompromising as I live for myself’
Kindi Dulai
and in order to get there, I must release the ‘autopilot’ responsibility I carry to protect my children.
I still believed I am responsible for them as I was unconsciously seeing them as little beings, so helpless and so scared; all for sure memories of the past – when they actually required my protection.
At the same time I saw that it is appropriate to call out any ego in interaction with me – if it is affecting my quality of life adversely – as I have worked hard to address these things inside myself when this happens to me, and if someone else is triggered by my remarks, thus they can also address those matters within them too. That is only fair.

The foundation under a structure has to be really strong to weather the storms of life. Similarly in human life – we must be rooted on a solid base of self-trust, to be able to stand tall, during or after any perceived emotional crisis with another that may have felt like suffering – especially if we are moving differently to the way the ‘norm’ seems to flow.
Those that invented the aeroplane could not look around them for inspiration – they had to look within. They were leading the way and could not belong to the crowd, nor be understood.
And with, what I know in parenting ~ the status quo is very easy to repeat …. the generational links just continue mindlessly – unconsciously unfortunately – pattern after pattern – fear after fear are passed on – perpetuating ongoing cycles of suffering.
Until a bit of intelligence kicks in, to say enough is enough – a new reality needs to be brought in, until this point healing cannot arise.
Breaking chains to generational suffering
When we focus in such a way, with intelligence, moving towards healing – it’s to go against the known cycles, that requires forward thinking, we end up leaning on.
These people are often known as the black sheep – but with each such sheep – there is the chance given, to create new opportunities.
AND for this type of warrior to emerge – we must dig deep into our connection within, and find our roots. Find our foundation – so to speak. Find our healing.
Self trust is self belief, which is in itself the key to all manifestations and certainly the corner stone to all healing. The attitude that says – I can tackle it all – whatever the unknown brings, without fear, is healing.
Knowing I will not suffer, as my foundation of self-reliance is now solid, offers that deep healing from suffering.