Watching and Grief
Watching ‘all of the time’ has been tricky to do. As soon as my tears creep in and I get lost in them – all watching goes out of the door….and I am lost again, in the emotions, totally taken in.
Recently I have felt a lot of grief which has been disorientating – and not understanding where the grief is coming from, has made things worse.
Source is the Mind
‘The mind’ was the obviously the source, which The Dalian Method helped me to see…
The mind says ‘I will not see this person again’- The origins of this grief comes from that actual truth – the deep pain we feel when we watch people die or leave, and we do in fact not see that ‘form’ again.
The goodbye emotion. It is normal and human.
But to understand that the grief comes from the mind, gives context to the pain, and then the identification with the pain breaks.
It does not need to be carried, forever. To be honest – being human is a big roller coaster of emotions…….! I prefer the highs more than the lows, I have to say… and even though I struggle with the lows, yet they teach so much and help me grow wisdom.
Identification breaks when we grasp more of how our ego-mind operates.