Mind and Intellect
Are you someone who relies on your mind a lot to get through life? I know I do. I can memorize, I can join dots, I can contemplate and see pictures easily. I research a lot. At times, I can make decisions, boom, boom, boom, problem solving my way through challenges and at other times, I stall – almost go into a form of paralysis – when the risks perceived in the decision feel too big.
This is when the mind is no longer serving me in the action I must take. To see this stall is a fascinating thing to unravel, and I love doing that with the Dalian Method.
This technique takes me from mind, to intuition – to inner knowing and action.
Mind running the show
I know this habit pretty strongly, of my mind running the show though, with its’ capacity for evaluations in seeing pros and cons! This seems logical.
It is strange to have lived life until 60 years old, and yet limiting beliefs continue to keep me locked in my head at varied times, and not in my intuition, especially when I face profound turning points in my life.
I have initiated so much good for my life direction to date, trusted what I needed to do in countless challenging encounters, and despite this ‘proof’ of self-trust…. still my body has remained fearfully frozen, on several impending decisions… like an ostrich wanting to bury its’ head in the sand.
This ‘in action’ is actually the proof of not having full self-trust.
Hidden Child Beliefs
The child inside our adult body is what drives the lack of self-trust. That inner child recall moments when it was not in charge of its life, dependent and helpless, and that memory, can then affect our boldness in the decisions the mind is prepared to make.
The ‘child-mind’ belief of ‘I can’t find my way’. .. was trapped in my body six months ago – and it had a logical reason for why it arose. I have only just understood this was driven by the child assumption and thus conclusion that a parent/authority/teacher needs to give me an instruction, as they ‘know better’ than me, because they are bigger. Lol.
How many children believe that the people around them are wiser, just based on their size? How many children await an instruction because the authority is always someone outside of them in their young lives? It is amazing how many inappropriate conclusions can affect our ability to trust ourselves, even into old age.
Self-Trust and the Dalian Method
Self-trust is the key to unlock the ‘bolt’ to almost all forward motion action! Right remembrance of the awareness, will assist me – “I know I can find my way”, and I must keep initiating what needs to be done. Thank you Dalian Method for unlocking me out of my head, once again.
The little kid inside me gets so excited when I get to learn and play – improving on my old skills, thankful, as my adventures in life, continue to help me grow, and face fears ……Any leap into the unknown, simply adds to these adventures to be experienced, and with it, self-trust increases.