Tendency to Not “Let Go”

This week as I wondered around, I kept looking at everything. An old man who is refusing to accept his memory loss, arguing with the doctor. His wife scolding him for not responding the way she wanted, refusing to let go of her stance.

I feel admiration in attempting to do new things with stains and paintbrushes on my cottage build, and yet I am watching others feel threatened, ungrateful and insecure, by what they see in what I am attempting. A let go not happening.

Plumbers simply enjoying the day, moving with the flow and window suppliers casually attempting to win my trust, not wanting to let go of their chance to impress.

On my part, so much fuss about ‘small details and decisions’ attempting to control and be a ‘somebody’ – and yet in the big picture – none of it really matters. Everything ultimately gets taken away, as it is all temporary…. not even the body I walk around in, will last – even though I get disturbed badly when it is in pain – physical or emotional…. as my ego, would hate for it to die, and for me to let go!

Temporary Visit to Earth

My ego-mind wants to deny the truth that it is a ‘nobody’. The house that becomes a home will go, the things we accumulate that hold memories, also thrown out, and the people that are our family and friends…. we are guaranteed to say goodbye to, at some unforeseen juncture.

On the one hand this makes me feel everything is totally pointless, so why even bother? I have stalled a few times with this attitude in my life to date, where my heart and soul went into things 100 percent, and then the whole creation just vanished, like in the brush of one stroke – and my mind asks “why!!!” in total despair – what was the point?

Why Have creation and destruction?

It is logical to ask why? I am glad I have asked these big why’s.

Why have creativity only for it to be destroyed…?

Why love so intensely and then we let go…?

I am back full circle to the questions I was asking 18 years ago, when I felt depression creep over me. But this time … I have the other side too, that can carry me beyond despair. This is the beauty in having asked why- it led me to increase my self-awareness and expand my consciousness.


On that other hand, there is a growing ‘understanding’ coming from consciousness, which makes me feel I should really really live fully, whilst I can, and keep enjoying the creative moments for the sake of the moment, and stop worrying about the small details ….

Since the truth cannot be denied – YES it is all so temporary, and things won’t last; we are all ‘nobodies” in this game – so “why not” make the best of it ….. and take nothing for granted, IN THE SUCH-NESS OF LIFE.

So why not jump in 100%?

  • The breeze,
  • the warm air,
  • the sunshine,
  • the rainbows,
  • the trees swaying,
  • the stars shining,
  • the people,
  • the things,
  • the sparkles,
  • all of it, is a marvel in itself, while it lasts.

Experiencing and Learning

So why not keep experiencing and learning….expanding to the best of our abilities.

This second approach is obviously more uplifting – but only if, we do not get attached to any of what is unfolding in our world, in the interim – because otherwise the first approach, from my ego-mind creeps back in- wanting to hold on to what is perceived as ‘mine’ – and sadness then automatically follows when let go becomes tough.

The highs and lows in our life – both cannot stay.

We manifest, to know it will all go….We wade thru the challenges to know learnings are hidden within each hurdle; like treasure to be discovered.

The challenges are run by the same rules of success “this too shall pass”….. so no matter how deep the struggle and anguish – it too has a certain lifespan. No matter how wonderful the ride of success – it too will surely come to an end.

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