Outside Lies
Today someone told a lie about me in my presence to another, in their attempt to undermine me. I understood the reason why it had happened. I called them out on it, and they denied the truth and continued lying.
Internally of course, the lie could not be hidden from either of us. I decided to just go into ‘watching’ – remaining in my own silence. Exhausting as it is to deal with this type of stuff – in the end the truth always prevails, so I rested in that knowing.
I also recognized their karma is their problem – not mine. I know the truth and that is all that mattered in that moment.
Denial of Truth
The next day, I called them out on it again, when they no longer had an audience, out of compassion for them, to see if a shift could happen. I shared how their denial only leads to their loss – not mine – as the denial does not change the truth – the lie is still the lie – that is the reality both of us recognized. For that I feel sorry for them – not me!
I explained the longer they deny the truth, they lose out on transforming a silly inappropriate behaviour in themselves. What a wasted life in which one is adding lousy karma to their existence. If no progress in development even arises, what a shame that is for them – missing the opportunities given to evolve!
Acknowledgment difficulty for Ego
With that said – a tentative -‘yes you did not say exactly that’ – but ‘you did say this’ (to justify their lie) came spewing out of their mouth. Their ego struggled to acknowledge the actual truth, and now justification became the crutch for their ego. This obviously does not allow their ego to humble. Ego hates to let-go!
I repeated ‘justification does not change a lie into a truth’.
I explained – their desire to undermine someone perceived to be stronger – more capable – more sincere – will not change their internal dynamics. They will sadly still carry all of that painful sense of inadequacy within them, into their next next life too, sabotaging even more of their journey as a human-being. This is yet another truth.
Everyone has their timing
Until they become ready to see their own true benevolent power, nothing can change to improve someones’ quality of life. Sooner or later – that choice will transpire, and that is not under anyone else’s control- least of all mine. Another truth. Everyone has their own timing for their evolution into greater self-awareness and none of us can interfere in that.
A spade is a spade. A lie can never be truth. Acceptance of what is, does not mean truth has been hidden from your sight, and that discernment did not see what just transpired.
Understanding grows from seeing our own lies and that is how we can see them in another, and that is why there is no need to fight, if the lie against us, continues to be protected. We must simply make sure we have exposed what has happened.
If we understand our own ego antics, we understand the same dynamics in another being too. This understanding helps us to let go, when no further evolution is possible for them, or when someone is close-minded.
Our physical body never lies too. It will conjure up a knot in the stomach, a pain or an illness, when something is disturbing us, and it becomes the conduit through which a deeper level of wisdom from within can flower.
When the initial lie was said – my body responded adversely.

When our body is threatened, by another person, or an outside occurrence like an accident or serious disease, we are being gifted an opportunity to address a lie and transmute it into a truth.
Even the fears a body feels are a lie and yet it is the fears themselves, that make us lie in the first place ….