Blame in Current Times
Lots of people are pointing outward – this is wrong with politics. The is right with healthcare…. this is wrong with the other country, this is what is right within my country, this is wrong with the money system and this is right with scientists. This is wrong with legacy media, this is right with fact checking.
The lists never seem to end… we can go back and forth, back and forth, and for much of my life, I have fought very hard for what has felt right and wrong in my mind too. Even now, I am questioning the ideas of simply ‘owning’ Gaza, as if that is just ‘the thing’ to do, dismayed that no consultation or collaboration with the people concerned took place. And simultaneously I am applauding more truths are being exposed. My discernment is still seeing duality.
Hate/Love and Perception
Hate / Love ….. has been experienced within, as a result of this type of blame for many a year. With my perception narrow, the stronger I held these strong opposing opinions.
With my perception wider, I have began to wonder what the agenda maybe behind the changes occurring in the world right now. I have become more aware, I do not really know. I have become more alert that I must keep discerning what feels intuitively intelligent and what does not.
You see interestingly – TRUE UNDERSTANDING only arises thru self-exploration. Thru increasing consciousness.
Why is this?
Because we get to see our own varied personalities – the parts of us that feel afraid and inferior, the parts of us that behave as though we know it all, and thus willingly show our superiority.
Politics Within and Ignorance
Both states are reflective of our ignorance. We see our so-called mistakes. We have our own politics within – we are capable of manipulation. We struggle to tell the truth always. We find ways to hide from the lies we tell. We can feel like a victim and simultaneously behave in a self-righteous way. We swing from one to the other ….from fear to love.
Forgiveness and Humbling Ourselves
When we finally see our ignorance, forgiveness within naturally will happen, because without self-love, no completeness can arise, nor kindness and we in the process then become more “human”, compassionate, understanding, peaceful. For this blissed out state to percolate, we must first forgive ourselves.
To not be filled with blame and judgement – condemnation and accusational, is obviously a more peaceful state to be in, yet the pre-requisite is to humble the ego. To forgive ourselves.
Acceptance -IT IS WHAT IT IS
For us to be able to accept what resides within us – and with that accept what we see outside of ourselves; again it is self-forgiveness that is key. The outer madness begins to make a lot more sense when we grasp our own ego-mind, and with that – the outside world impacts us less, and our suffering created by it, begins to slowly lessen! We are able to watch – rather than want to change and control.
And this is why – we move into self-forgiveness for the follies of our ego-mind perceptions, that kept us attached to a reality that is just ”serving a purpose”- a kind of game to help -one that helps us grow.
Right Wrong fall away, and instead ‘It is – what it is’ – come to stay.