A child will steer his or her own ship confidently, provided they know how to trust themselves…..And so, HOW does one learn to trust oneself??
This is so important, as too often, we are being directed by the authority around us, rather than to be shown how to think for ourselves.
Knowing how to access ones’ own intuition and inner knowing will help tremendously in canvasing self-trust.
Logical Mind
School training tends to focus upon the logical mind, memory, past experiences etc. Home training thus needs to complement this with the other part within us – our intuitive ability.
Intuition cannot be given to someone through text books etc. The credence it deserves, despite its’ ability to show us our souls’ direction, needs to be ramped up.
Intuition is much more important than the logical mind, as it can connect us with our heart too. The mind has the capacity to hold us back, as it can interfere in choices, based on its’ own judgments, fears and beliefs .
Societal Pressure
Judgments, fears and beliefs are often imposed by society or people around us, or even imprints coded into our cells, which come from our parents/ancestors.
Imagine, you think you are freely choosing, but in actuality, fears coded into your grandparents are driving the show in your thinking? That is pretty sad, is it not?
Intuition Practice
To connect with intuition, one then will need to learn how to become silent enough, so that one can hear its’ whispers….
For this, to happen effortlessly, a tool that I like to use is “find answers to your questions with the dalian method”. It is rapid and always gives you clarity on the steps that are specific for your life. It drives out the noise of people around you…
Decision making is thus an inside job. There is a formula to everything in life….