Why we benefit when we grow in Self-Awareness

Behavioural patterns run on autopilot, even though some hold us back in our relating with ourselves and our relationships. Without education to give us a conscious awareness of the underlying reasons that influence our thoughts, we can end up feeling weighed down in life. Sometimes we just want someone outside of ourselves to truly support and understand us-and when this is missing, we can feel less stable and grounded. These symptoms can be alleviated with self-discovery that leads to heightened self-awareness and heightened consciousness.

Once we become more self-aware of our unconscious responses (referred to as the autopilot above) through exercises that eliminate the switch that feeds the automatic response, our sense of fulfillment improves, we manifest without being burdened and de-energized. You no longer need to feel as though you are pushing a rock of responsibility uphill. Naturally, greater relaxation arises and your health improves too, when you find your way out of such stress and worry and learn how to relax into your calm centre.

In this personalized one-on-one program we help you:

  1. To identify and release systematically the blockages that are relevant to your life.
  2. Learn how to break the chain to the root causes of such challenging occurrences.
  3. Eliminate the old programmed reactions from the cells of your body- so that irrevocable new behavioural changes occur effortlessly from within
  4. To feel more relaxed, peaceful and calm within

It does not matter if your current responses to life are filled with exhaustion, anger, dismay or a sense of confusion. Everything  has a cause- we simply assist you to become aware of how the emotion is arising so that the triggered actions can stop in your daily interactions.

We by-pass the mind, to get access to the ” how and why the mind” is responding in its current way, and look to progressively silence its’ sabotaging influence on your life.

We will address all parts of your psyche that might be interfering in the leadership of your life:

self-doubt/insecurity blockages,

heartache/relationship blockages,

money/abundance blockages,

fear/anxiety blockages,

illness, pain/health blockages,

self-respect/esteem blockages or

confusion/clarity blockages.

Leaders expanding out of their comfort zone

We aim to understand your aspirations from an emotional point of view and nurture you from an authentic and honest place! The training is not about being logical and learning how to put on a tough face as we endure pressure, and attempt to stay resilient. No. Our work together will break social protocols of what is acceptable and what is not- but instead will assist you to genuinely become refreshed and re-energised for life.

We evaluate your life plan objectives mindfully in line with your current success and move forward step by step chipping away at the underlying state hidden deep within you. The feelings of aloneness, the fears around rejection and isolation are all addressed, so that you can feel complete within.

We will stretch you outside your current comfort by experientially using the profoundly effective Dalian Method to remove mind driven anxieties that are unknown to you!  We will remove history that has been inherited from ancestral generations that is not serving you!  Irrevocably the cells of your body are helped back into their natural state.

A New Confidence is Born

As you begin to understand yourself more intimately, you will harness a new type of confidence that cannot be influenced detrimentally by outside life circumstances. It is a confidence that is not dependent on outside recognition or validation but is based in you tapping into your integrity and true worth beyond achievement. It is a form of confidence that is peaceful, non aggressive, and extremely responsive- it almost has a genius quality within it.

Fear of life challenges will dissipate layer by layer and excitement sets in. A quality of total joy and uplifting sensation within will unfold as more and more of this type of confidence is accessed.

Along with this your new awareness will lead to a more freeing and liberating psyche and you will begin to find it easier to step into adventurous action in your life. Old imprints in the cells of your body, whether inherited from parents or earlier generations, will slowly lose their power over your behaviour, and a new individuality will unfold displacing the old personality.

Any disabling or niggling health issues begin to be healed as a byproduct of your evolution. Anxiety, stress and worry dissipates

So grateful for your giftedness Kindi. I’m always amazed at how you see the connection between the challenges and the learning hidden within them. Your presence and precise words have this way of triggering a deep inner understanding and clarity. I know it has for me. The family dynamics we find ourselves in is very rich territory to explore. It’s too easy to struggle with it though and miss the opportunity for transformation. Glad you are bringing education and guidance that is so needed in this important area. Lila Haris, Kansas, USA

Benefits of the Bronze Package for Self-Awareness

Experience greater clarity around your life direction and purpose guided by your intuition/inner knower

Learn new and active meditative techniques to reduce stress and increase relaxation

Quickly dis-entangle from layers of old negativity in your mind

Experience a greater level of energy, enthusiasm and greater confidence

Embody a new form of stamina and resiliency that overcomes the strains of responsibility

Improve your relationship with yourself and feel greater compassion for yourself

Learn to quieten the voice inside your head from its old stories of stress and pain

Grow in self awareness and cut the chains to debilitating patterns.

Learn effective ways to dissolve fears/anxiousness as they arise

More pull, less push. More vulnerability, less macho posturing is the way of the future…CEO who responded to an Oxford Survey.

Inward Leadership

Structure of the Three Month Bronze Package

      1. Have an initial coaching session to evaluate your most pressing needs, and go through a 10 page self evaluation exercise that concentrates on your  desires, needs, expectations and triggers. We will also discuss family patterns during this review and create a personalized action plan
      2. Be taught body awareness points and be educated on how this links in with physical pains in the body
      3. Learn how to access and identify unconscious thoughts in your body and be guided on how to release them safely
      4. Be taught how to find clarity using the profoundly effective transformative tool called “Find Answers to your questions- FATYQ with the Dalian Method”, helping you to open up to intuition and your higher self in your decision making. (This may be changed to a shorter Dalian Method process if deemed to be more appropriate)
      5. Experience a self empowering Dalian method session to experience a deep transformation and gain a new awareness in your body which will cut the chain to an old behaviour patten. This will be sustainable, leading to lasting change internally and externally (this work will all be at a cellular level, so that the changes that arise lead to a permanent change in self-awareness)
      6. A coaching session to become more aware of the changes that are unfolding in your life, as a result of the previous Dalian method process and identify action steps to help integrate the changes.
      7. Practice with an active meditative exercise to help learn how to rapidly relax.
      8. Be taught a second meditative exercise for deep relaxation
      9. Identify the core fears in your body that inform the inner conflict and be guided how to transform them, layer by layer, independently.
      10. Follow up with a second dalian method session to consolidate the first awareness and discern what associated next action steps are required in your life
      11. Receive detailed support outside of the regular meetings together via a personalized blog. All of the above appointments are in person, or on zoom during the three months.
      12. Detailed tasks and actions to be compiled and completed in between each consultation, to further enhance your ability to be independent with the use of these new tools.
Available to you at a cost of:  $4795

Email [email protected] to organize your registration. or register here


Where questions are arising that cannot be logically answered using your head, whether it is regarding the purpose of your life, or why certain health or other challenges are unfolding, we will help you to become more self aware using ” Find Answers to your Questions” which taps into your own internal guidance system:  This quickly connects you with your “inner knower” and helps you to find the solutions that provide liberation from old mental angst, stress or worry.

You will get greater clarity on how to take new responsibility for the next part of your growth as a leader, whether that is in your home, in a corporation, in an educational establishment or government environment.

You will learn how to get past current hurdles in the way of your business success with immense ease, and see that the new peaceful experience you begin to embrace can then be taken with you into your  personal life- so that you know how not to take worry or anxiety home at the end of the day.