Benefits of the Dalian Method (DM) in your family life
We might wish to stay fully composed and believe in our capacity to be superhuman, although inevitably stress creeps up on the best of us and falling victim to emotional triggers becomes a sad daily reality.
Guilt and shame
Prior to the Dalian Method (DM) coming into my life, it was very common to endure the critical and “judge like” heavy voice inside my head. It would subject me to feel guilty for every inappropriate outburst I might have had, and feel shame for any “wrong” action or response that I had taken. At times its judgment was very harsh and illogical.
Today with the multiple layers of misconceived perceptions and beliefs transformed with DM, shame and guilt are demons of the past. I feel complete acceptance of myself and have compassion for myself too- now able to understand myself more fully and embrace every aspect – the shadow and the light inside me.
I am not perfect, but I am happy to be me. This too can be your state of living.
Worry and Stress
In my younger days, the significance of stress was less disturbing. I could push through and my body showed few symptoms of strain. I endured working long grueling days of mental strain, without complaint, believing it was all part of the process of ambition and achieving “success” at some later date.
The heaviness of constant worry and stress just became a way of life. I did not know that there was a better way of living, and my body began to show symptoms of migraines, an underactive thyroid, back pain, menstrual problems, skin rashes, joint pain in my knees and swollen ankles. The worst of all the symptoms was falling into depression in 2007.
With DM, worry and stress is now much less intense, but instead a sense of excitement for what might unfold pops up. I feel deep gratitude for everything- albeit at times, heavier days still show up. I now have a tool to help me to process the lessons behind all of my life experiences, and nothing has to be rejected. My body has begun to heal, and the physical symptoms above have all been eradicated.
This is my wish for you too, to have a tool that you have used very frequently that acts as your guiding light with your worries and stress. Our son was picking up many of these traits from us, and he too, has successfully stopped this with the Dalian Method. That is why I feel it is such an important tool for family life, since we can prevent our children from inadvertently picking up our self sabotaging patterns safely.
Fear plagued me from childhood, along with a growing disillusion with life as I got older. Adversity and suffering seemed meaningless, and both physical and mental strain began to shut me down. I would easily get triggered into rage, sadness, grief, jealousy, bitterness and feeling helpless like a victim, especially when life circumstances left me uncertain of my reality- my relationship with my husband went through much strain, including difficulty as he got diagnosed with cancer, I felt lost as I transitioned from full time work to home life, I felt alienated from people I loved after an emigration to a new country and generally felt unloved in the big belly of existence.
Now with DM by my side, my enthusiasm for life is at the forefront. I see my life as a blank canvas in which I can create my own reality. In fact I now understand I had created the old reality too. I am surrendered to whatever existence wants to support, in full knowing that my time on the planet has dignity behind it, along with integrity.
I have gained my own conscience and displaced rules and codes-of- conduct imposed on me from outside. I am not concerned by the approval or rejection of others, but instead live in greater levels of personal freedom, following my own intuition and my own aspirations and vision. I have a renewed reverence for life, as I reconnect with my innocence and gratefulness.
This is the exciting part for you, that despite whatever challenge you might be facing right now, as you read this, you can get significant respite with the use of the Dalian Method so that your innocence and lightness around life comes surging back for you.
The future became heavy as more and more adversity came into my life and faith in a larger power than myself seemed difficult to sustain. Now I appreciate the frailty of life, along with having a great appreciation for my own eternal nature. I trust that everything that comes into my life is designed to help me evolve in consciousness, so that I might awaken to my true nature. In fact I trust that everything I needed to experience a better quality of my life, came my way.
With DM, I know how to be in my center and continue to grow and experience new things with joy. The unknown is much less scary and I trust in the uncertainty of life. In fact the purpose behind DM is the exact same purpose of life- evolution in consciousness and I have begun to see that only with heightened consciousness are we to live in an era of true brotherhood, compassion and love for ourselves, and one another.
My own personality has lost a lot of its own self-centered and selfish approach but instead with DM, I have transformed into a purer and kinder way of being.
I know we are here to contribute and offer unconditional love, without taking one another for granted. The beauty is that the Dalian Method will help you to tap into this for yourself as a miraculous by product of using it.
Turning off the critical voice inside the head
The voice inside our head, with its nagging and tyrant like approach, can be relentless. Thus it is this “ internal voice” and its interpretations of the outside world that actually leads to the pressure and strain we endure. So in reality, if we could find a fast way to silence this voice, or turn it into a positive state, our falling victim to pain and suffering and hardship on a prolonged basis can be greatly minimized.
Transformation of my voice inside my head, the internal judge and critic has been nothing short of extraordinary, something that I did not even believe to be possible!
This is however, the only radical and the real long lasting answer to enjoying true freedom in life. With the DM these outcomes are guaranteed, as it works to methodically silence the nagging mind. You learn how to observe the mind/ego from a distance, and the heaviness around your old stories of upset and complaint keep falling away one by one. When your mind identifies with an old wound or story, you can quickly see how you are being drawn into misery and how unnecessary that is.
With the voice inside your head becoming kinder, you also feel more and more calmer and relaxed inside. You carry very little tension in your body and you feel that life is beginning to flow more effortlessly. Your relationships begin to improve. Your triggers and arguments reduce. You feeling more peaceful.
The Dalian Method (DM)
Permanent changes occur at a DNA level, resulting in old patterns dispersing and their consequent dissolution leads to improvements in our behaviour. The internal voice becomes friendlier, more self empowered, more creative and joyful and we become more loving.
Best of all you learn how to evolve into new paradigms of energized living, find and live your full potential, and live life with self-love and in expanding creative joy!
Mada Eliza Dalian
“The highest state of love is not a relationship at all, it is simply a state of your being” Osho
It is rare to experience the above kind of love- to be in the presence of someone who unconditionally provides and nurtures you as the shadows of your own personality emerge! Such love holds space for dark moments of anger, jealousy, grief, neediness, insecurity, insincerity and anything else that is hidden away, to surface. Such love remains in non-judgment and in total acceptance, and openly and graciously is willing to assist you, whilst you fumble your way through trying to transform these states into light.
Such a being “wants nothing” for themselves, but has seen the tricks of the ego-mind and thus takes nothing personally. Such a being holds millions of people together on this planet in her own vibrational frequency of total love, relentlessly pushing forward to assist her fellow travellers into higher planes of personal development.
She knows no other joy, but to help her friends to become lighter, experience less suffering and internal angst, and just longs for the day when her friends can see their own flame of bright light too.
I have been extremely fortunate to have fallen under the wings of such love…the love of my cherished, wisdom-filled, genius authority…… Mada Eliza Dalian.
She was sitting at my doorstep here in Vancouver when I was in my darkest moment of need! She is truly a Buddha of the modern age, a mystic with profound depth and love to share. I am blessed to have found this “Human Xray Machine” that can tell me more about me than I could ever see and has shown me “Who I am”!
Mada Eliza Dalian calls a spade a spade. She authentically carries her razor sharp knife to anything that is not serving us as human beings. She has single handedly revolutionized the quality of my “internal” life.
No words do justice to her precision and expertise in alleviating my pain and inner angst, carefully showing me the road towards authentic existence and my mission on this planet. Thus she has also revolutionized my “external material” life too.
Layer by layer my story has unfolded into greater clarity, openness and purpose. Mada has helped me to claim back my self- worth as a woman, guided me out of insecurities and neediness that surfaced when I was not earning money in the material world, and helped me to transform my most important relationships back into harmony by helping me to eliminate the self sabotaging traits that were undermining me.
Best of all, as a “mother” she has shown me how to help my children in a truly important way, so that they can be self-motivated and self- sufficient happy leaders of their own lives.
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